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(Created page with "<blockquote><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂥</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃩</span>𝁘𝁇ⱀ‍ⰰ<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝁛‌</span>𝁆ⰰ...")
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<blockquote><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂥</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃩</span>𝁘𝁇ⱀ‍ⰰ<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝁛‌</span>𝁆ⰰ 𝁑𝁿ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ 𝁑𝁓‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ‌ 𝁑‌<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏‍</span>ⰰ‌‌𝃛 𝁉ⰰ‌ 𝁑‌ⰰ‌‌ ''𝁇𝃰''ⰰ 𝁑𝂅𝁜ⰰ‌‌ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰ⰰ 𝁕𝁿<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂴</span>ⰰ 𝃛‍‍𝁉𝁇ⱃ‌ⰰ 𝁑‌𝂅𝂅ⰰ‌‌𝃛 𝁘𝁇ⰸ‍ⱙ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱙ‌‌ 𝁇ⱙ 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁿ⱙ 𝃛‍‍𝁆𝂅𝂅ⰿ‍‍‍ⱀⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌𝃛 𝁆𝁚ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂗</span>ⱖ <span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂾</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃬</span> </blockquote><blockquote></blockquote>
<blockquote><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂥</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃩</span>𝁘𝁇<span id='bl' style='color:blue;'>𝃣</span>ⱀ‍ⰰ<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝁛‌</span>𝁆ⰰ 𝁑𝁿ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ 𝁑𝁓‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ‌ 𝁑‌<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏‍</span>ⰰ‌‌𝃛 𝁉ⰰ‌ 𝁑‌ⰰ‌‌ ''𝁇𝃰''ⰰ 𝁑<span id='bl' style='color:blue;'>𝃢</span>𝂅𝁜ⰰ‌‌ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰ⰰ 𝁕𝁿<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂴</span>ⰰ 𝃛‍‍𝁉𝁇ⱃ‌ⰰ 𝁑‌<span id='bl' style='color:blue;'>𝃣</span>𝂅𝂅ⰰ‌‌𝃛 𝁘𝁇ⰸ‍ⱙ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱙ‌‌ 𝁇ⱙ 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁿ⱙ 𝃛‍‍𝁆𝂅𝂅ⰿ‍‍‍ⱀⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌𝃛 𝁆𝁚ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='bl' style='color:blue;'>𝃦</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂗</span>ⱖ <span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂾</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃬</span>𝁇<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂿‍‍</span>ⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌ ''𝁇𝁚<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂵</span>ⰵ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⰵ'' 𝁕ⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌ 𝁆𝃰𝁚ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑𝁿ⱖ‌ 𝁇ⱖ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱖ 𝁓<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>𝂅ⱖ‌‌ 𝁇𝁜<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃇‍</span></span>ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂗</span>ⱖ <span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂾</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃬</span> 𝁆ⱊ‍ⱃⰵ 𝁇<span id='bl' style='color:blue;'>𝃧</span>𝁿<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃃‍‍</span>ⱄ‍‍ⱅⱁ 𝁉𝁿ⱁ‌ 𝁓<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>𝂅ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝁇<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏‍</span>ⱁ 𝁆𝁿<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂴</span>ⱁ 𝁇<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏‍</span>ⱁ 𝁆𝁚ⱁ ''𝁑''ⱁ‌‌𝁇𝁑𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑𝁿ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁘𝁆ⱁ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>𝂅ⱁ‌‌ 𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏‍</span>ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁘𝁆ⱁ 𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>𝂅ⱁ‌‌ 𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏‍</span>ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁆ⱁ 𝁇𝃰‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝃛‍𝁇𝁚<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂴</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝁜<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝁜<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁚‍ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝁜<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝁿ⱁ𝁆𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝁠‍</span>𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁘𝁇<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝁛‌</span>ⱁ𝁆ⱁ 𝁑𝁿ⱁ‌‌ 𝁆𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑𝁓‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ‌‌ 𝃰ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝁘𝁇<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝁛‌</span>ⱁ𝁆ⱁ 𝁘𝁑𝁑<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁇ⱁ 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁜<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑<span id='bl' style='color:blue;'>𝃥</span>ⱊⱃⰵ 𝁆𝃰<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱄ‍‍ⱅⱁ 𝁑𝁓‍<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ‌ 𝁇𝁜<span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂏</span>ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁆𝁿ⰾ‍ⱑ <span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂥</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝂭</span><span id='rd' style='color:red;'>𝃫</span> </blockquote><blockquote></blockquote>

Latest revision as of 20:30, 22 June 2018

𝂥𝃩𝁘𝁇𝃣ⱀ‍ⰰ𝁛‌𝁆ⰰ 𝁑𝁿ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰‍𝂏ⰰ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰𝂏ⰰ 𝁑𝁓‍𝂏ⰰ‌ 𝁑‌𝂏‍ⰰ‌‌𝃛 𝁉ⰰ‌ 𝁑‌ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰ⰰ 𝁑𝃢𝂅𝁜ⰰ‌‌ 𝁑𝂏ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰ⰰ 𝁕𝁿𝂴ⰰ 𝃛‍‍𝁉𝁇ⱃ‌ⰰ 𝁑‌𝃣𝂅𝂅ⰰ‌‌𝃛 𝁘𝁇ⰸ‍ⱙ 𝁑𝂏ⱙ‌‌ 𝁇ⱙ 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁿ⱙ 𝃛‍‍𝁆𝂅𝂅ⰿ‍‍‍ⱀⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌𝃛 𝁆𝁚ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁇𝃰‍𝃦𝂗𝂾𝃬𝁇𝂿‍‍ⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌ 𝁇𝁚𝂵ⰵ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰𝂏 𝁕ⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌ 𝁆𝃰𝁚ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌ 𝁑𝁿ⱖ‌ 𝁇ⱖ 𝁇𝃰‍𝂏ⱖ 𝁓𝂏𝂅ⱖ‌‌ 𝁇𝁜𝂏ⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑𝃇‍ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰‍𝂗𝂾𝃬 𝁆ⱊ‍ⱃⰵ 𝁇𝃧𝁿𝃃‍‍ⱄ‍‍ⱅⱁ 𝁉𝁿ⱁ‌ 𝁓𝂏𝂅ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝁇𝂏‍ⱁ 𝁆𝁿𝂴ⱁ 𝁇𝂏‍ⱁ 𝁆𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝁇𝁑𝃰𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑𝁿ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁘𝁆ⱁ 𝁑𝂏𝂅ⱁ‌‌ 𝃰𝂏‍ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁘𝁆ⱁ 𝁑𝂏𝂅ⱁ‌‌ 𝃰𝂏‍ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃰𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁆ⱁ 𝁇𝃰‍𝂏ⱁ 𝃛‍𝁇𝁚𝂴ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝁜𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝁜𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝃛‍𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁚‍ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌𝃛 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝁜𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝁿ⱁ𝁆𝃰𝁠‍𝁚ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁘𝁇𝁛‌ⱁ𝁆ⱁ 𝁑𝁿ⱁ‌‌ 𝁆𝃰𝂏ⱁ 𝁑𝁓‍𝂏ⱁ‌‌ 𝃰ⱁ‌‌‌ 𝁘𝁇𝁛‌ⱁ𝁆ⱁ 𝁘𝁑𝁑𝂏ⱁ 𝁇ⱁ 𝁇𝁿ⱁ 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁜𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁑𝃥ⱊⱃⰵ 𝁆𝃰𝂏ⱄ‍‍ⱅⱁ 𝁑𝁓‍𝂏ⱁ‌ 𝁇𝁜𝂏ⱁ 𝁑ⱁ‌‌ 𝁆𝁿ⰾ‍ⱑ 𝂥𝂭𝃫