Ambassador of Nord land

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Nord land

In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Znamenno singing» or otherwise: Chants of old slavic churchs, «Nord patristical singing», the old slavic and old russian singing​, stolpovoi, putevoi and demestvo singing, nord embodiment in a sound of the heavenly singing.

Presented in the monuments which are written down by the «Znamen» notation since 11th century.

MS Solov.690/773 fol.5r

«ВСЕМІРНꙊЮ СЛАВꙊ» — догма́тикъ гласъ а҃

ⰲⰲⰲ   ⱄ‌‌ⰵ ⰿ‍‍‍ⰻⱃ ⱀ‍ⱙ ⱓ‌‌ ⱄ‌‌ⰾⰰ ⰲⱙ
ⱂ ⱍ‌‌ⰵ ⰾ‌‌ⱁ ⰲ‍ⱑⰽⱏ ⱊ‍‍ⱃⱁ ⰸⱕⰱ ⱎ‍‍ⱙ ⱓ‌‌
ⰻ‌‌ ⰲⰾⰰ ⰴ‍‍ⱖ ⰽ‌‌ⱙ ⱃ‍‍ⱁⰶⰴ ⱎ‍‍ⱙ ⱓ‌‌
ⱀ‌‌ⰵ ⰱ‌‌ⰵ ⱄⱀⱙ ⱓ ⰴ‍‍ⰲⰵⱃⱐ ⰲ‍ⱁⱄ ⱊⱁ ⰻ‍‍‍ⰿⱏ ⰿⰿ‍ⰰ ⱃⰺ ⱓ‌‌ ⰴⱑ  ⰲ‌‌‌ⱙ
ⰱ‍‍ⰵⰸ ⱊ‍‍‍ⰾⱁⱅ ⁠⁠ⱀ‍‍‍ⱖ ⱈ‌‌ⱏ ⱊ‍ⱑ  ⱄⱀⱐ
ⰻ‌‌ ⰲ‍‍ⱑⱃ ⱀⱖⱈⱏ ⰴⱁⰱ ⱃ‌‌ⰵ ⱀ‌‌ⰺ ⰵ‌‌‌‌
ⱄ‌‌ⰺ ⱕ‌‌  ⰱ‍ⱁ ⱔ‌‌ ⰲ‍ⰻ ⱄ‌‌ⱕ
ⱀ‌‌ⰵ ⰱ‌ⱁ ⰻ‌‌‌‌    ⱈⱃⰰⰿⱏ ⰱ‍ⱁ ⰶ‌‌ⰵ        ⱄ‌‌ⱅⰲⰰ
ⱄ‌‌ⰺ ⱕ ⱊ‌‌ⱃⰵ ⰳ‌‌ⱃⰰⰶ ⰴⰵ ⱀ‌‌ⰺ ⰵ‌‌‌‌
ⰲ‍‍ⱃⰰⰶ ⰴ‍‍ⱖ ⱃⰰⰸ ⱃ‍ⱙ ⱎⰻⰲ  ⱎⰻ 
ⰿ‍‍ⰻⱃⱏ  ⰲ‍ⰲⰵ ⰴ‍ⰵ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⱌ‍‍‍‍ⰰⱃⱄⱅ ⰲ‌‌ⰺ ⱂ‌‌ ⰲⰵⱃ  ⰸ‌‌ⰵ
ⱄ‌‌‌‌ⰺ ⱓ‌‌ ⱘ     ⰱ‍ⱁ ⰻ‌‌ ⰿ‍ⱙ ⱋ‌‌ⰵ
ⰲ‍‍ⱑ  ⱃ‌‌ⱖ ⱘ‌‌ ⱅ‍ⰲⰵⱃⰶ ⰴ‌‌ⰵ ⱀ‌‌ⰺ ⰵ‌‌‌‌
ⱊ‍ⱁ ⰱ‍‍ⱁⱃ ⱀ‌‌ⰻ ⰽ‌‌ⰰ  ⰿⰰ ⰿ‍ⱖ 
ⰻ‌‌ⰸ ⱀ‌‌ⰵ ⱕ ⱃ‍ⱁⰶⰴ  ⱎⰰ ⰳ‍ⱁ ⱄ‌‌ⱕ ⰳⰳⱁ ⱄ‌ⱊⱁ ⰴ‌‌ⰰ
ⰴⰵⱃ ⰸ‍‍‍ⰰⰹ ⱅⰵ ⱘ‌‌ ⰱⱉ ⰴⰵⱃ ⰸ‍‍‍ⰰⰹ ⱅⰵ ⰾ‍‍ⱓ ⰴ‌‌ⰻ ⰵ‌ ⰱ‍ⱁ     ⰶ‌‌ⰺ ⰻ‌‌‌‌
ⰱ‌‌ⱁ ⱅⱁⰹ ⱊ‌‌ⱁ ⰱⱑ ⰴ‍‍‍ⰻⱅⱏ      ⰲⱃⰰ ⰳⰻ  ⱔ‌‌ ⰽ‍‍ⱉ ⰲ‌‌ⱄⰵ ⱄ‌‌ⰻ ⰾⰵⱀⱏ
MS Solov. 618/637 ff. 128—130


ⱊⱊⱊ     ⱃ‌‌ⰺ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⰴ‍ⰻ ⱅ‌‌ⰵ ⱊ‌‌ⱁ ⰽⰾⱁ ⱀ‍‍‍ⰻⰿ ⱄ‌‌ⱕ ⱌ‌‌ⰰ ⱃ‍ⰵ ⰲ‌‌ⰻ ⱀ‌‌ⰰ ⱎ‌‌ⰵ ⰿ‌ⱙ ⰱⰱⱁ ⰳ‌‌ⱙ
ⱊⱊⱊ      ⱃ‌‌ⰺ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⰴ‍ⰻ ⱅ‌‌ⰵ ⱊ‌‌ⱁ ⰽ‌ⰾⱁ ⱀ‍‍‍ⰻⰿ ⱄ‌‌ⱕ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⱊ‌ⱃⰻ ⱊ‌‌ⰰ ⰴ‍‍‍‍ⰵⰿⱏ ⱈⱈ‌‌ⱃⰺ ⱄ‌‌ⱅⱙ ⱌ‌‌ⰰ ⱃⰵ ⰲ‌‌ⰻ ⱀ‌‌ⰰ ⱎ‌‌ⰵ ⰿ‌‌ⱙ ⰱⰱⱁ ⰳ‌‌ⱙ
ⱊⱊⱊ      ⱃ‌‌ⰺ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⰴ‍ⰻ ⱅ‌‌ⰵ ⱊ‌‌ⱁ ⰽ‌ⰾⱁ ⱀ‍‍‍ⰻⰿ ⱄ‌‌ⱕ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⱊ‌ⱃⰻ ⱊ‌‌ⰰ ⰴ‍‍‍‍ⰵⰿⱏ ⰽ‌‌Ⱏⱄⰰ ⰿ‌‌ⱁ ⰿ‍ⱙ ⱈⱈⱃⰺ ⱄ‌‌ⱅⱙ ⱌ‌‌ⰰ ⱃ‍ⰵ ⰲ‌‌ⰻ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⰱⰱ‍ⱁ ⰳ‌‌ⱙ ⱀ‍‍ⰰ ⱎⰵ ⰿ‌‌ⱙ
ⱊⱊⱊ     ⱃ‌‌ⰺ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⰴ‍ⰻ ⱅ‌‌ⰵ ⱊ‌‌ⱁ ⰽ‌ⰾⱁ ⱀ‍‍‍ⰻⰿ ⱄ‌‌ⱕ ⰻ‌‌‌‌ ⱊⱃⰻ ⱊ‌ⰰ ⰴ‍ⰵⰿⱏ ‌‌‌ⱗ ⰿⱙ

📙 in Greek language
📙 Palaioslavic chant monuments 🕯 in English language
Octoechos, the Parakletike - Anastasimatarion 🕯
📕 Stixeraria - collections of canticles «στιχηρὰ» 🕯
📗 Hirmologia - collections of canticles «εἰρμοὶ» and «προσόμοια» 🕯
📕 Papadike - collections of permanent canticles with extensive melody and chant anthologies 🕯

Examples of sacred melodies of Nord land: