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<p class=a1>East land</p><p class=c>In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Byzantine singing» or otherwise: chants of ancient Church, «East patristical singing», the Greek, East-Slavic and Arab singing​, east embodiment in a sound of the heavenly song.</p><noinclude>
<p class=a1>East land</p><p class=c>In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Byzantine singing» or otherwise: chants of ancient Church, «East patristical singing», the Greek, East-Slavic and Arab singing​, east embodiment in a sound of the heavenly song.</p><noinclude>
<p class=c>Presented in the monuments which are written down by the Byzantine notation since 10th century.</p>
<p class=c>Presented in the monuments which are written down by the Byzantine notation since 10th century.</p>
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|📕 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΣΤΙΧΗΡΑ|<grc>ΣΤΙΧΗΡΑΡΙΑ - ΑΝΘΟΛΟΓΙΑΙ ΣΤΙΧΗΡΩΝ</grc><el>Στιχηράρια - ἀνθολογίαι στιχηρῶν</el><cu>СТІХИРАРИ - ЦВѢТОСОБРАНІѦ СТІХИРЪ</cu><ru>Стїхирари‌ - собра‍нїѧ стїхи‍ръ</ru><en>Stixeraria - collections of canticles «στιχηρὰ»</en>]]
|📕 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΣΤΙΧΗΡΑ|Stixeraria - collections of canticles «στιχηρὰ»]]
|🕯 [[ΣΛΑΒΙΣΤΙ|<grc>ΣΛΑΒΙΣΤΙ</grc><el>Ὕμνοι σλαβιστὶ</el><en>in Slavonic language</en><cu>НА СЛОВѢНСКОМЪ</cu><ru>На славѧнскомъ</ru>]]
|🕯 [[ΣΛΑΒΙΣΤΙ|in Slavonic language]]
|📗 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΕΙΡΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ|<grc>ΕΙΡΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ - ΣΥΛΛΟΓΑΙ ΕΙΡΜΩΝ καὶ ΠΡΟΣΟΜΟΙΩΝ</grc><el>Εἰρμολόγ‍ια - συλλογαὶ εἰρμῶν καὶ προσομοίων</el><cu>ІРМОЛОГИ - СБОРНИКИ ІРМОСОВЪ и‍‍ ПОДОБНѠВЪ</cu><ru>І‍‍рмоло‍гїи - сбо‍рники і‍‍рмосо‍въ и‍‍ подо‍бновъ</ru><en>Hirmologia - collections of canticles «εἰρμοὶ» and «προσόμοια»</en>]]
|📗 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΕΙΡΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ|Hirmologia - collections of canticles «εἰρμοὶ» and «προσόμοια»]]
|🕯 [[ΑΓΓΛΙΣΤΙ|<grc>ΑΓΓΛΙΣΤΙ</grc><el>Ὕμνοι ἀγγλιστὶ</el><en>in English language</en><cu>НА АНГЛІЙСКОМЪ</cu><ru>На англїйскомъ</ru>]]
|🕯 [[ΑΓΓΛΙΣΤΙ|in English language]]
|📕 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΠΑΠΑΔΙΚΗ|<grc>ΠΑΠΑΔΙΚΑΙ - ΣΥΛΛΟΓΑΙ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΑΘΕΡΩΝ ΥΜΝΩΝ ΕΚΤΕΝΟΥΣ ΜΕΛΟΥΣ καὶ ΨΑΛΤΙΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΟΛΟΓΙΑΙ</grc><el>Παπαδικαὶ - συλλογαὶ τῶν σταθερῶν ὕμνων ἐκτενοῦς μέλους καὶ ψαλτικαὶ ἀνθολογίαι</el><en>Papadike - collections of permanent canticles with extensive melody and chant anthologies</en><cu>ѺБИХОДНИКИ - СБОРНИКИ НЕПОДВИЖНЫХЪ ПѢСНОПѢНІЙ ПРОСТРАННАГѠ РОСПѢВА и‍‍ ПѢВЧЕСКІЕ ЦВѢТОСОБРАНІѦ</cu><ru>Ѻбихо‍дники - «Ѻтеческїе сборники» (παπαδική) - собранїѧ неподви‍жныхъ пѣснопѣнїй пространнагѡ роспѣва и‍‍ пѣ‍вческїѧ анѳоло‍гїи</ru>]]
|📕 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΠΑΠΑΔΙΚΗ|Papadike - collections of permanent canticles with extensive melody and chant anthologies]]
|🔬 [[ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ|<en>Learn to chant</en><grc>ΕΚΜΑΘΗΣΙΣ ΨΑΛΤΙΚΗΣ</grc><el>Μέθοδοι τῆς Ψαλτικῆς</el><cu>НАꙊЧЕНІЕ ЦЕРКОВНОМꙊ ПѢНІЮ</cu><ru>Учиться пѣнїю</ru>]]
|🔬 [[ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ|Learn to chant]]
|📙 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΑΡΧΑΙΑ|<grc>ΜΝΗΜΕΙΑ ΨΑΛΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΝ ΑΡΧΑΙΑι ΣΗΜΕΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑι</grc><el>Μνημεῖα ψαλτικῆς ἐν ἀρχαίᾳ σημειογ‍ραφίᾳ</el><en>Chant Monuments in ancient notation</en><cu>ПѢВЧЕСКІЕ ПАМѦТНИКИ ДРЕВНИМЪ ЗНАМЕНЕМЪ</cu><ru>Пѣ‍вческїе па‍мѧтники въ древнихъ нотацїѧхъ</ru>]]
|📙 [[ΥΜΝΟΙ/ΑΡΧΑΙΑ|Chant Monuments in ancient notation]]
<p class=b><grc>Δείγματα ἱεροῦ μέλους τῆς Ἀνατολικῆς χώρας:</grc><el>Δείγματα ἱεροῦ μέλους τῆς Ἀνατολικῆς γῆς:</el><en>Examples of sacred melodies of East land:</en><cu>Ѡбразцы‌ свѧщенныхъ роспѣвовъ Восточныѧ страны‌:</cu></p><p class=c><ru>Образцы священныхъ мелодій Восточной страны:</ru></p><gallery mode="nolines" widths="350px">
<p class=c>Examples of sacred melodies of East land:</p>
File:kukuzel-05.mp3|center|<grc>«Ἤτω ἡ δόξα Κυρίου» - Ἁγ.Ἰωάννου Κουκουζέλη</grc><el>«Ἤτω ἡ δόξα Κυρίου» - Ἁγ.Ἰωάννου Κουκουζέλη</el><en>«Let there will be Lord's glory» of St.John Kukuzelis</en><cu>«Бꙋ́ди слава Госпо́днѧ» - творенїе св. Іѡанна Кꙋкꙋзе́лѧ</cu><ru>«Бу́ди слава Господня» - твореніе св. Іоанна Кукузе́ля</ru>
<gallery mode="nolines" widths="350px">
File:high-02.mp3|<grc>Δοξαστικὸν τῶν Ἁγίων Πατέρων Οἰκουμενικῶν συνόδων - ψάλλει ὁ Ἐμμανουὴλ Χ/Μάρκος</grc><el>Δοξαστικὸν τῶν Ἁγίων Πατέρων Οἰκουμενικῶν συνόδων - ψάλλει ὁ Ἐμμανουὴλ Χ/Μάρκος</el><en>Doxastikon of Saints Fathers of Ecumenical Counsils - chants Emmanuel H/Markos</en><cu>Славникъ Святымъ Отцемъ Вселенскихъ соборовъ - поетъ Емманꙋилъ Х/Маркосъ</cu><ru>Славникъ Святымъ Отцамъ Вселенскихъ соборовъ - поетъ Эммануилъ Х/Маркосъ</ru>
File:kukuzel-05.mp3|«Let there will be Lord's glory» of St.John Kukuzelis
File:u-zrodel-04.mp3|<grc>Δογματικὸν Πλ.Α´ «Ἐν τῇ Ἐρυθρᾷ θαλάσσῃ» - ψάλλει ὁ Μαρτύνος Ἀβίησκιη</grc><el>Δογματικὸν Πλ.Α´ «Ἐν τῇ Ἐρυθρᾷ θαλάσσῃ» - ψάλλει ὁ Μαρτύνος Ἀβίησκιη</el><en>Dogmatikon tone 5 – chants Martyn Abijskij</en><cu>Догма‍тикъ е‌‌ гла‍са «Въ Чермнѣмъ морѣ» - поетъ Ма‍ртѵнъ Абі‍йскїй</cu><ru>Догма‍тикъ е‌‌ гла‍са «Въ Чермнѣмъ морѣ» - поетъ Ма‍ртѵнъ Абі‍йскїй</ru>
File:high-02.mp3|Doxastikon of Saints Fathers of Ecumenical Counsils - chants Emmanuel H/Markos
File:byz-00.mp3|<grc>«Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη» ἀργόν – ψάλλει π.Σεραφεὶμ Φαρασόπουλος</grc><el>«Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη» ἀργόν – ψάλλει π.Σεραφεὶμ Φαράσογλου</el><en>«Christ is risen» - chants f.Serafim Farasoglu</en><cu>«Христосъ Воскресе» протѧжное – поетъ ѻ.Серафі‍мъ Фара‍соглꙋ</cu><ru>«Христосъ Воскресе» протяжное – поетъ о.Серафи‍мъ Фара‍соглу</ru>
File:u-zrodel-04.mp3|Dogmatikon tone 5 – chants Martyn Abijskij
File:arab-00.mp3|<grc>«Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη» ἀραβιστί – ψάλλει μητρ.Ἠλίας Τριπόλεως</grc><el>«Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη» ἀραβιστί – ψάλλει μητρ.Ἠλίας Τριπόλεως</el><en>«Christ is risen» in arabic - chants metropolitan Elijah of Tripoli</en><cu>«Христосъ Воскресе» на арабскомъ – поетъ митр.Илїѧ Трипольскїй</cu><ru>«Христосъ Воскресе» на арабскомъ – поетъ митрополитъ Илія Трипольскїй</ru>
File:byz-00.mp3|«Christ is risen» - chants f.Serafim Farasoglu
File:kina-00.mp3|<grc>«Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη» κινεζιστί</grc><el>«Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη» κινεζιστί</el><en>«Christ is risen» in chinese language</en><cu>«Христосъ Воскресе» на китайскомъ</cu><ru>«Христосъ Воскресе» на китайскомъ</ru>
File:arab-00.mp3|«Christ is risen» in arabic - chants metropolitan Elijah of Tripoli
File:kina-00.mp3|«Christ is risen» in chinese language

Revision as of 21:48, 18 June 2018

East land

In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Byzantine singing» or otherwise: chants of ancient Church, «East patristical singing», the Greek, East-Slavic and Arab singing​, east embodiment in a sound of the heavenly song.

Presented in the monuments which are written down by the Byzantine notation since 10th century.

Octoechos, the Parakletike - Anastasimatarion 🖥 Typesetting of notations
🗻 Hagioritic Horologium 🕯 in Swahili language
🗻 Hagioritic Celebrations 🕯 in Georgian language
📕 Stixeraria - collections of canticles «στιχηρὰ» 🕯 in Slavonic language
📗 Hirmologia - collections of canticles «εἰρμοὶ» and «προσόμοια» 🕯 in English language
📕 Papadike - collections of permanent canticles with extensive melody and chant anthologies 🔬 Learn to chant
📙 Chant Monuments in ancient notation

Examples of sacred melodies of East land: