Mystic Musical Monuments
I sing, therefore I am
God-inspired music monuments
Singing - Life All those to whom the singing is like other breath, mystical spiritual practice, the source of inspiration, mentor in contemplation and medicine for his soul. Here are published and discussed God-inspired monuments of singing art and everything related to singing. Nord land In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Znamenno singing» or otherwise: Chants of old slavic churchs, «Nord patristical singing», the old slavic and old russian singing, stolpovoi, putevoi and demestvo singing, nord embodiment in a sound of the heavenly singing. Art - Technique -Tradition |
East land In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Byzantine singing» or otherwise: chants of ancient Church, «East patristical singing», the Greek, East-Slavic and Arab singing, east embodiment in a sound of the heavenly song. Digital writing of traditional music notations on our pages is carried out through the system ΕΥΔΡΟΜΟΥΝΤΕΣ (Serafim Unicode) and linear notes through the mediawiki extension Score of the system Lilypond. 𝝙𝝙𝁇𝂅𝂅𝝾 𝁇𝁜𝝾 𝁑𝁿𝝾 𝁇𝁿𝝾 𝁕𝁿𝝽𝝰 𝁇𝃰𝂏𝝥𝝰 𝁑𝝰 𝁇𝁿𝞃𝞀𝝸 𝁇𝃰𝁚𝝸 𝁑𝝹𝝰𝝸 𝁑𝝰𝝸 𝁑𝝪𝝸 𝃰𝞄𝝸 𝁇𝁿𝁛𝟂 𝁑𝁿𝟂 𝂪 𝁆𝁿𝁚𝝹𝝰𝝸 𝁑𝁿𝝖𝁑𝂅𝂅𝝲𝝸 𝁇𝃲𝝸 𝁇𝝸 𝁉𝟂 𝁑𝟂 𝁇𝃰𝝥𝝼𝝴 𝁆𝁿𝁚𝝴𝞄 𝁑𝁿𝝻𝝰 𝁑𝁿𝝰 𝁑𝁿𝝰 𝁇𝂏𝝰 𝁑𝁜𝂅𝝰 𝁑𝂏𝝰 𝁇𝁚𝂴𝝰 𝁑𝝰 𝁑𝁿𝝰 𝁆𝂅𝂅𝞃𝝸𝂳 West land In this land are published and discussed melodies and chants of the so-called «Gregorian» and «Ambrosian» singings: chants of old latin churchs, «West patristical singing», ancient roman singing, nord embodiment in a sound of the heavenly song. |
Melody - Meaning In our country there are those who are sure that every melody, as well as the word, expresses spiritual meaning. The meanings expressed in the sound of melodies can have healing power or, on the contrary, destructive and murderous. South land In this land are published and discussed all other melodies and chants bearing the stamp of divine inspiration: the Georgian singing, supralskiy singing etc... which can apply for a high rank to be a terrestrial image of an eternal heavenly song. Person of chanter – Sanctity |
Database of ancient musical monuments
Research project
The vast majority of ancient mystical music remains completely unknown to modern humanity. While it is more relevant than ever today helping people to concentrate, calm down, get rid of depression and treat mental disorders.
Development — author of the ideaRomanos Aristotelis, from St. Petersburg, comes from a family of Greeks who emigrated to Russia in the late 18th century.
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Professor — scientific supervisor of the projectDr. Georgios Patronas.