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Стїхи‍ры на стїхо‍внѣ + Ѡ‍⁠ пресла‍внагѡ чꙋдесе‌ + гла‍съ 𝂳 ни‌‌ 𝁇𝃲

ⰿⰿ𝁉𝁇𝃣𝁿ⱙ‌ ⁠⁠𝁕𝁑ⱍ‍ⰵ 𝁇ⱀ‍ⰻ 𝁇𝃱‍𝁚ⱍⰵ 𝁑ⱌ‌ⰰ 𝁑ⱃ‌ⱓ 𝁑ⱀ‌⁠ⰻ 𝁇𝁚ⰽ‍ⱁ 𝁑ⰾ‌ⰰ 𝁑𝂅𝂅ⰵ‌‌‌ 𝂣𝃩𝁑‍𝃢ⱂ‌‌𝃛 ⁠⁠𝁆𝁿ⱓ 𝁆ⱀ‍ⱁ 𝁇ⱄ‍‍ⱅⰻ 𝁇𝃰𝂏ⱌ‍⁠ⰰ 𝁕ⰰ 𝁇𝃰ⱃⱕ 𝁑ⱄ‌ⰾⰰ 𝁇ⰲ‍ⱖ 𝁇ⰲ‍ⱁⰸ 𝁇ⰾⱓ 𝁉𝁕‍ⰱ‍ⰻⰾⱏ⁠ 𝁑‍ⱗ‌‌ 𝁑𝂏ⱗ‌‌ 𝁆𝁿ⱄⰻ 𝂣𝃩 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝃦⁠𝁚‍ⰴⰰ 𝁑ⱗ‌‌ 𝁑ⰿⱙ 𝁑ⰴ‌ⱁ 𝁑ⱄ‌ⰿⰵ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌‌ⱃ 𝁑𝁿ⱅ‌ⰻ   𝂨𝃬 𝁇𝃱‍𝁐𝃣ⱊ‍ⱁ 𝁑‌ⱁ‌‌ 𝁇𝃰𝂏ⱄ‍‍ⰾⱑ 𝁑ⱑ‌‌ 𝁑𝁕𝃰𝂑ⰴ‍ⱙ 𝁘𝁆ⰵ 𝁑𝂏ⰵ‌‌ 𝁆𝁿ⱎ‍ⰻ 𝂣𝃩 𝁉𝁉ⱔ‌ 𝁑‌ⰰ‌‌ 𝃰𝂏‍ⰰ‌‌‌ 𝁇𝁚ⰽⱁ 𝁑ⰶ‌ⰵ    𝁑ⱌ⁠ⰵⱃ    𝁑‌ⰽⱁⰲⱐ    𝁑‌𝃞ⱊ‌ⱃⱁ 𝁆ⱊⱁ 𝁇𝃱‍𝁚ⰲⰵ 𝁑ⰴ‌ⱙ𝁑𝃣𝁿ⰵ‌ⱅⱏ⁠ 𝂣𝃩 𝁇𝃱ⱄ‍‍ⰾⰰ 𝁆ⰲⰰ 𝁑ⱈ⁠ⱃⰺ 𝁇ⱄ‍ⱅⰰ 𝁉𝁿ⰱ⁠ⱁ 𝁑‌ⰳ‌ⰰ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝁑𝃞ⰽ⁠ⱃⰵ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌‌ 𝁑ⰵ‌‌‌ 𝃰ⰵ‌‌‌ 𝁇𝁿ⰵ‍‍ⱄⱅⱏ‍ 𝂣𝃩 𝁇𝃢ⰻ 𝃰ⰻ‌‌‌ 𝁇ⰲ‍ⱁⱄ 𝁆ⰽ‍ⱃⰵ 𝁉𝁆ⱄ‌ⰵ 𝁑‌ⱀ‌ⰺ 𝁑𝂏ⰺ‌‌ 𝁆𝁿ⰵ 𝂩𝃪 𝁆ⱀ‍ⱖ 𝃰ⱖ‌‌‌ 𝁇ⱀⱑ 𝁇ⰶⰵ 𝁑ⱄ‌‌‌ⰾⰰ𝁓‍𝂏 𝁇ⰲⱙ 𝁇𝁚⁠ⱀⰵ 𝁑𝃣ⰱ‌ⰵ 𝁑‌ⱄ‌ⱀⱙ 𝁑𝁿ⱓ‌‌ 𝂣𝃩 𝁇𝃱‍‍𝁚‍𝃞ⱊⱃⰺ 𝁑ⰻ‌‌ 𝁑ⰿⰻ 𝁑ⰻ‌‌ 𝁑ⱀⱖ 𝁑ⱖ‌‌ 𝁑𝁿ⱀ‌ⱑ 𝂨𝃬 𝁇𝃱‍𝁿𝃢ⰻ 𝁇ⰸⰵ 𝃰ⰵ‌ⰿ 𝁉ⱀⱁ 𝁑‌ⰵ‌‌ 𝁆ⱊ‍‍ⱃⱁ 𝁑ⱄⰾⰰⰲ 𝁉ⰾⰵ 𝁕ⱀ‍ⰺ 𝁇𝁿𝃣𝂣𝃩 𝁆ⰻ 𝁆ⰿ‍ⱁ 𝁆ⰾⰻ 𝁇ⱄ‍ⱊⰰ 𝁇𝃰𝁚ⱄ‍ⱅⰻ 𝁑ⱄ‌ⱕ 𝁑ⰴ‌ⱙ 𝁑𝃦⁠𝁿ⱎ‌ⰰ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌‌ 𝃰ⰰ‌‌ⰿⱏ‍ 𝁇𝃢𝁚ⱀⰰ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝁑ⰰ‌‌ 𝁇𝂅𝂅ⱎ‍‍‍ⰻⰿⱏ⁠    𝂨𝃯
<grc></grc><el>Warning: Display title "Ὕμνοι ἐκ τῆς ἀκολουθίας τῆς Τσαρικῆς οἰκογενίας" overrides earlier display title "ΥΝΜΟΙ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΑΣ ΤΣΑΡΙΚΗΣ ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΙΑΣ".</el><en>Warning: Display title "Hymns from the service of the Holy Royal family: tsar Nicholas, queen Alexandra, prince Alexy, princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia and those killed with them († 1918)" overrides earlier display title "Ὕμνοι ἐκ τῆς ἀκολουθίας τῆς Τσαρικῆς οἰκογενίας".</en><cu>Warning: Display title "ПѢСНОПѢНІѦ СЛꙊЖБЫ СВВ.ЦАРСТВЕННЫМЪ МꙊЧЕНИКОМЪ" overrides earlier display title "Hymns from the service of the Holy Royal family: tsar Nicholas, queen Alexandra, prince Alexy, princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia and those killed with them († 1918)".</cu><ru>Warning: Display title "Пѣснопѣнїѧ изъ слꙋжбы святымъ Царственнымъ мꙋченикамъ" overrides earlier display title "ПѢСНОПѢНІѦ СЛꙊЖБЫ СВВ.ЦАРСТВЕННЫМЪ МꙊЧЕНИКОМЪ".</ru>